Mic Williams, Engineer:
Owner of Williams Racing Products (WRP), Professional Engineer (B.Eng Hons) and Elite MTB Racer. I have ridden bikes and contemplated how they could be better for as long as I can remember. I started out as a BMX’er when I was a kid and went on to pursue a degree in engineering; which has manifested itself into almost 10 years’ experience. For the last few years I have traveled the world racing mountain bikes, riding as many disciplines and types of terrains as possible, and listening to what tech the top pro’s think could make them faster.
Nigel Petrie, Fabricator:
My passion for fabrication came from my lifelong involvement in motorsports, this led to an advanced diploma in engineering along with a career with Ford Motor Company as a Prototype Machinist that spanned 18 years. Following this I started my own company Engineered To Slide and it's here that I bring my passion for mountain biking and my love for fabrication together to create the ultimate machine. Trinity cycles brings performance, engineering and design together to create a new breed of mountain bike, one that has me truly excited with its potential.
Chase Warner, Designer:
My early design work in graphics and CAD was for an automotive suspension company, where I learned the fundamentals of suspension dynamics and kinematics. From there I started my own company, Chase Graphics, where I focused on livery design and vehicle styling. Trinity is the conglomerate of my years of design, my hobby, and wanting to challenge myself.